Jasmine Star - Love your story from Anton Lorimer on Vimeo.
"All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them".
This video of Jasmine Star is what inspires me to follow my dreams. I want to be able to tell my story and not have it read to me. I desire so much more out of life and I have to make it mine by fulfilling my dreams!
My mom sent me this the other day and I think it sums up everything that I believe for myself and anyone struggling to follow their dreams.
Everything begins with how you see and feel about yourself. Without self-belief any talent you have is limited. It's impossible to do big things if you feel small inside. Fortune always favors the bold. Your life is determined by how you think. So think big. Expect big things of yourself. Stay away from people who have limited thinking. Stay away from critics. These people are toxic. The do not believe in themselves; therefore have no capacity to believe in you. They only wish to invite you into their limited world.
You must be committed. Commitment is belief in action. There is no middle ground in the animal world; you're either in or out. Nothing is going to stop them from achieving their goal. They will bite, scratch, claw, and fight their way to their destination. There are two kinds of people: Those who fearlessly take action and those who don't want to make mistakes. Animals don't talk. Animals attack. The commitment to their mission drives them. Nothing; not failure, disappointment, or the criticism of others will waver their commitment.
I will believe in myself and commit to setting my dreams in action!